
BIs Development: Expert

PROJECT: «Business incubators enabled to provide high value services to SMEs» Location – Republic of Serbia


DEADLINE: 15/08/2018


24 Months


Qualifications and skills:

  • Level of education which corresponds to completed university studies of at least 3 years in the field of business, economy or management and similar.


General professional experience:

  • At least 8, preferably 10, years of professional experience in the field of provision of business development services to enterprises.

Specific professional experience:

  • At least 5, preferably 7 years of professional experience in the field of BIs development.
  • At least 2 years of professional (practical) experience in BIs operation, would be considered as an asset/advantage.

In the framework of the contract “Business incubators enabled to provide high value services to SMEs” we are looking for a expert in BIs development that will be in charge of the different activities of the project:

  • Performed assessment of current situation of BIs in Serbia, (that should provide updated information regarding the number of functional BIs, their service portfolio, recommendations for further improvements at the level of individual BIs, etc.)
  • Improved capacities of BIs supporting hi-tech start-ups and those supporting self-employment of vulnerable groups in less developed areas through enhancing their service portfolio by upgrading existing and introducing new services, as well as increasing BIs management competences (in particular, through enhancing process of selection of tenants and projects, managing incubation process as well as developing methodology for continuous evaluation and monitoring of activities).
  • Capacities of relevant stakeholders to further develop BIs in Serbia in accordance with PublicPrivate Partnership model upgraded



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2018-07-30T11:09:18+00:00 julio 30th, 2018|