

PROJECT: “Support to Visibility and Communications of EU-Lao PDR Cooperation in Nutrition and Education”


DEADLINE: 15/07/2018

Duration: 36 Months (October 2018-October 2021)

Qualifications and skills:

  • At least a Master Degree in Communications, New/Multi/Social Media, Management, Public Relations and a proven professional experience of at least 10 years. In the absence of the said master degree, equivalent professional experience in marketing and advertising, journalism, diplomatic or corporate communications, Public relations, Social and Behaviour Change Communication of at least 13 years  in the same domains
  • Excellent communication skills and ability to communicate convincingly and diplomatically with a wide range of contacts and audience, including proven strong public speaking and presentation skills as evidenced by 3 previous assignments requiring such deliverables
  • Strong inter-personality and excellent skills in facilitating relations, as evidenced through at least 3 previous assignments in facilitating communication processes
  • Good skills in drafting reports and other documents proven by 2 previous assignments requiring such deliverables
  • Good coordination and communication skills proven by an experience of project management in at least 2 previous assignments
  • Excellent English expression both orally and in writing

General professional experience

  • A minimum of 3 years experience of working in collaboration with government ministries in developing countries
  • A minimum of 3 years of working experience in project management including planning, budgeting and progress monitoring
  • Team Leader in at least 3 development projects related to communication

Specific experience

Proven knowledge of EU project management procedures by the participation of at least 1 EU project

Desired Assets:

  • Working experience in an ASEAN country would be an advantage.
  • Relevant work experience in Lao PDR would be an advantage.

In the framework of the contract “Support to Visibility and Communications of EU-Lao PDR Cooperation in Nutrition and Education” we are looking for a Team Leader-Senior expert in Communication that will be in charge of the different activities of the project:

  • Design and publication of visibility information
  • Organisation of events
  • Editorial tasks
  • Graphic work



Para postular a esta oferta laboral, envíe un email a la dirección de correo info@congenia.com.es, adjuntado la plantilla del CV cumplimentada

Postular usando webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook

2018-05-16T10:58:24+00:00 mayo 15th, 2018|