
Key expert 2: Expert in E-Learning for Entrepreneurship

PROJECT: ”Improved Support for Entrepreneurial Development in Rural Areas” (EuropeAid/139564/DH/SER/AZ)


DEADLINE: 05/11/2018


DURACIÓN: 30 months (March 2019 – September 2021)


  • At least Master’s degree IT and software development or in the absence of it a bachelor’s degree  in  IT  and  software  development   and  3  years  above  the  required  general professional experience.
  • Excellent spoken and written English (at least level 2 on a scale of 1 [excellent]  to 5 [basic]);
  • Working knowledge of Azerbaijani, Russian or Turkish is an asset.



A) General professional experience:

  • Professional experience of at least 5 years working in the area of developing IT strategy and software programs

B) Specific professional experience:

  • At  least  2  e-learning  platforms  developed/operationalised/adapted   for  strengthening SMEs and entrepreneurship.
  • Private sector experience in establishing and running a small or medium sized business would be considered as an asset


In the framework of the contract “Improved Support for Entrepreneurial Development in Rural Areas” we are looking for a Expert in E-Learning for Entrepreneurship with experience in the area of developing IT strategy and software programs for strengthening SMEs and entrepreneurship.

The  expert  will  be responsible for all activities envisaged under result area 3 (An  E-Learning   platform  designed  and  piloted  to  expand  the  outreach  of entrepreneurial learning and to embed entrepreneurial behavior and skills) but will also provide support to all the other component areas as directed by the Team Leader

The  project  will  provide  technical  assistance  to  Ministry  of  Economy  and  its  relevant structures,  notably  to business  incubators,  to improve  the quality and variety  of business support services for start-ups, entrepreneurs, SMEs, farmers and youth in rural regions and so build sustainable businesses.


Para postular a esta oferta laboral, envíe un email a la dirección de correo info@congenia.com.es, adjuntado la plantilla del CV cumplimentada

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2018-10-25T12:27:16+00:00 octubre 22nd, 2018|