PROYECTO: Support facility for the implementation of EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA)
DEADLINE: 15/01/2019
DURACIÓN: 36 months
(Start date: June 2019)
Qualifications and skills:
- University degree at master’s level (or equivalent) in one of the following fields: law, politics, economics, international relations, business or a relevant discipline. Alternatively, secondary education diploma and 8 years of full-time proven relevant experience additional to the requested specific professional experience.
- High proficiency of English and Japanese.
General professional experience:
- Participation in at least two projects of a similar size in a project coordinator/team leader role.
Specific professional experience:
- At least 10 years of professional experience in providing consulting services to national public authorities on policies relevant to the SPA.
- At least 5 years of professional experience in Japan on policies relevant to the SPA.
The Project Coordinator will be responsible for the overall management of the project and the achievement of the project results. S/he will be responsible for the implementation of all tasks, coordinating individual expert inputs and for reporting, including financial reporting. S/he will be the primary contact for the EU.
The Key Expert will be based in Tokyo.
The Key Expert should be allocated an estimate of 220 working days per year of implementation of the project (660 days total).
Para postular a esta oferta laboral, envíe un email a la dirección de correo, adjuntado la plantilla del CV cumplimentada