Project Description
Dates: 06/2021 – 12/2021
On September 22, 2016, Loan Agreement No. 3700/OC-PE was signed between the Republic of Peru and the Inter-American Development Bank to contribute to the financing and execution of the Public Investment Project “Improvement of the Levels of Productive Innovation at the National Level”. The Project contemplates a line of strategic strengthening of extension and technology transfer centers or operators of technological services, hereinafter referred to as CET. This line aims to expand the supply of advisory services and support for technological development and innovation of Peruvian companies through the expansion and consolidation of the CETs, which will be co-financed with non-refundable resources to be granted through competitions.
In July 2019, Innóvate Perú launched the “Strategic Strengthening of Extension and Technology Transfer Centers” project competition, corresponding to Phase 1 described above. As a result of the contest, the LABORATORIO DE MICOLOGÍA Y BIOTECNOLOGÍA DE LA UNIVERSDIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA was selected from the Agroindustrial Food sector agroindustrial chain and related services. According to the competition rules, the elaboration of the diagnosis and strategic plan will be in charge of a consulting firm that will work closely with the CET. The purpose of the consultancy is to prepare the strategic plan of the extension and technology transfer center (CET), which will be aimed at helping to close technical and productive gaps in the agroindustrial and food market, taking as a reference some technological trends that will have a future impact on the promotion of agroindustrial development and which are based on the diagnosis made by FAO. |
During the consultancy, the specific trends that determine the technological deployment of the Peruvian agro-food industry should be identified and then correlate this reality with the existence and/or lack of technological support and human skills to respond to them according to the existing and technological capacity of the Mycology and Biotechnology Laboratory.