

Project Description

Dates:  10/2022  –  10/2022

The APIEm has been designed as a broad project, aimed at small companies (with or without export experience), previously identified and selected based on the analysis of databases and internal and external sources accessible from ICEX, to help them in their diagnosis or internationalization potential and guide them in the use of public support instruments.

The general objective of the APIEm program will be achieved through the following specific objectives:

  • To offer the new companies identified an initial, free, initial and basic internationalization advisory service (micro consultancy) that, based on the situation and circumstances of each company on an individual basis, will provide them with a diagnosis of the areas to be strengthened to initiate or boost their international positioning and facilitate access to the services provided by the General State Administration, including those of ICEX, the Autonomous Governments, Chambers of Commerce and other foreign trade promotion agencies that are most appropriate and effective in terms of results according to their profile and needs.
  • Promote greater use of ICEX services among companies that are already familiar with the institution and that appear as clients in ICEX CRM, based on an analysis of the needs of each company. Support for the various initiatives to attract clients and users launched by ICEX.
  • Proactive incorporation of new ICEX clients, under a methodology of identification and selection of companies with little export experience and/or that have not yet been ICEX clients.