Project Description
Dates: 09/2021 – 08/2022
This project contemplates carrying out technical assistance services that aim to solve the main difficulties faced by a large number of companies in the city to carry out innovative actions and business improvement in their activities through consulting, support and advice.
The CIME (Coruña Innovation and Business Improvement) program will aim, through advisory, consulting, incentive and support actions, to facilitate the activation of innovation in companies in the city of A Coruña through the implementation of significant changes in the product, process, marketing or organization, with the purpose of improving economic and sustainable results through the application of new knowledge and technologies that can be developed internally or with external collaborations or acquired through advisory services or by purchasing technology.
The activities of the project are:
- Dissemination of the program and recruitment of beneficiaries
- Presentation phase: Carrying out group training sessions, where initial training is given, and each company will be provided with a dossier with all the following phases of the program and the different contents.
- Action Phase: From an initial situational analysis, an analysis of the company will be carried out to verify the innovation process of each participating organization. In this process, the following will be collected: Planning of innovative projects; Execution of innovative projects; Finishing and reviewing innovative projects (evaluating the project upon completion and documenting experiences); Final reports
- CIME AWARDS phase and program closure: closing event that will include the First Edition of CIME Awards.